As a Developer How do I Make My Web Pages Look Good?

By Unknown |

The key with appearance is just like programming UI. Encapsulate like elements using id and class tags within each html element. Once you have consistent content layout among the pages you can use simple css code to make things look good. It often helps to do a UI specification for your web pages.

For instance <p> tags will always contain Arial style fonts with size 10. All links will be #e33 if they are not being hovered(#3ee) or clicked(#fff). The background of the page will always be #eee. Colors, margins, fonts and borders all fall into such a specification but are not necessary. One trick you can use is find a Content Management Framework, like drupal or dotnetnuke, check out some themes for each of them and borrow and steal code from those to suit your needs.

Oh and of course at the top of each generated page put the style sheet attachment call:

    <link href="your_stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
or place all style declarations in a generator to land inside a:
        font-face: Arial;
if you are comfortable with a certain tools look and feel (I use Jira but you might use campfire) then look at how they do it and copy and paste the styles they are using. You will find it easier to use your own web documents when they match the other systems you use.


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