a New Keyboard

By Unknown |

I was hanging around today and thinking about the qwerty problem. This mechanism was put in place to prevent typewriter jams, not much of a concern today. Today I propose a solution to the problem that enables to users used to the old way but flexibility for those living on the edge and creating the boundary. Each key or the entire keyboard surface is an LED touch interface. I prefer the first option to account for the tactile feel of pushing a key. Anyway the keys themselves are programmable and the led on the key will represent its new key assignment. This would allow users interested in creating a vowel break system or different layout without requiring a great deal of expenditure. If the software for this were released as an open source project with the purpose of devising the most effective keyboard implementation for future word input interfaces, we could expect to devise a more efficient system in just a few weeks and potentially affirm a new industry standard within a year.

Google Chrome OS and the Future of the Computing Experience

By Unknown | Labels: ,

I have the bug. It took me in the early evening and carried me through the next few days of heated investigation and discovery. Bouts of doubt and contemplation dotted a vast plain of consumption and digestion. Google had released its much awaited and touted open source project Chromium OS.

First I got my VirtualBox fired up and installed the image from gdgt and poked around feverishly to see what it was, what it does, and maybe most importantly why. This last point caught me unprepared. This was not my computing experience, this was not something I would use in 80% of my computer work as it is right now. I am a programmer, web application developer, graphic designer... how was I going to take advantage of this experience.

The reviewers had posted opinions ranging from the utopian to the disgusted. I was left baffled, reaching in the dark for answers and being forced to evaluate myself and my reliance on the PC experience of yore. What I soon discovered is that this was exactly what I had been wanting; for every other user in the world. It became clear to me that there has been a class based society sitting on the PC world from the beginning and google chrome set the lords and the vassals distinctly apart.

This new paradigm, the browsing experience model was brilliant for users eager to consume web applications, social networks and content. This is the PC for the masses. It is light, fast, and secure. You don't have to know what you don't know to stay protected and connected. This changes everything.

And where chrome is the village for the peasantry, the classic PC will become the Castles of the Land Owners. I see now a change for we the developers, the content providers, the makers of worlds that I have hoped for all my life. Where chrome lives on the cloud, the classic PC will become the cloud. The desktop PC must evolve into the server, the broadband connection no longer relegated to downloading but to serving up our constructions.

In turn this will result in services offering desktop like access to our castles via the chrome interface. Development will be done remotely on thin clients and compiled and published from any access point. Local will become a geographical statement once again and data will become simultaneously free and contained.

One immediately recognized reality is that linux is more suited for this transition than either Mac or Windows. The playing field will be leveled by this. Power users and creators will still get the castle of their preference, but they will act as beacons of power and community for the satellite chromebooks.

I also noted the number of people arguing against chrome for its absence of desktop applications, some for their graphics applications (photoshop), others for their business software. I use aviary.com now for most of my graphics work, and it works beautifully on chrome (though the screen resolution could do with a boost). Business software has been evolving rapidly online with big hitters like salesforce.com and microsoft bringing their applications to the ASP space. Maybe I am blind but I don't see the argument as very valid.

For me as a web application developer, the future is bright.

DNN User Merge for Multiple Portals

By Unknown | Labels: , , , ,

My boss was hounding me about why he had to have multiple usernames for our different DNN portals (we have one for Customer Support, one for Sales and one for Intranet purposes). By default DNN didn't allow me to create users for those portals with identical user names. So after playing with the data a bit I figured out a way and wanted to share it with you and keep it here in case I need to do it again and forget how.

First we need to understand the fundamental underpinnings of the Users structure inside the database. We will be using the Host SQL tab to perform data manipulation so make sure you have the database backed up before attempting these hacks.

So User permissions are basically set in three tables:

  1. Users
  2. UserPortals
  3. UserRoles
These are all important tables to keep consistent. So lets say you have user 'foo' in the Users table, his record would be something like this:

foo@bar.comFoo Bar

You could get access to this record to see it in this state by passing the SQL query:

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = 'foo'

So now lets say that you have another portal where foo also needs access and you have set him up another user for that portal called foo2:

1fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar
foo2FooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar

As you can see these are essentially identical users but DNN will not let you log into portal 1 with user 2 or into portal 2 with user 1. The secret here is UserPortals. First determine what user is assigned to which portal. To do this will use the SQL statement:

SELECT * FROM Users INNER JOIN UserPortals ON Users.UserID = UserPortals.UserID WHERE Email = 'foo@bar.com'

Now notice that since the usernames are not the same, the ticket was to use a field where they match and since email is the usual suspect I decided to use that. The results of that query would look something like this:

5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar53411/11/2009 9:54:51 PM
6foo2FooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar64511/11/2009 9:56:05 PM

Ok so now we know which portals are for which user, next lets also get the roles, because the roles are different for each portal. So we add to the above SQL statement:

SELECT * FROM Users INNER JOIN UserPortals ON Users.UserID = UserPortals.UserID INNER JOIN UserRoles ON Users.UserID = UserRoles.UserID WHERE Email = 'foo@bar.com'

Which yields us:

5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar53411/11/2009 9:54:51 PM957
5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar53411/11/2009 9:54:51 PM1058
5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar53411/11/2009 9:54:51 PM1156
6foo2FooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar64511/11/2009 9:56:05 PM12610
6foo2FooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar64511/11/2009 9:56:05 PM13611
6foo2FooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar64511/11/2009 9:56:05 PM1469

Ok so there is a lot going on now. Clearly these users are both administrators of their respective sites, now we just need to trim it down to one user, we will use UserID 5 since that is 'foo'. The SQL statement for this would be:

UPDATE UserPortals SET UserID = 5 WHERE UserID = 6;
UPDATE UserRoles Set UserID = 5 WHERE UserID = 6;
SELECT * FROM Users INNER JOIN UserPortals ON Users.UserID = UserPortals.UserID INNER JOIN UserRoles ON Users.UserID = UserRoles.UserID WHERE Email = 'foo@bar.com'

This yields us the following result:

5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar53411/11/2009 9:54:51 PM957
5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar54511/11/2009 9:56:05 PM957
5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar53411/11/2009 9:54:51 PM1058
5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar54511/11/2009 9:56:05 PM1058
5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar53411/11/2009 9:54:51 PM1156
5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar54511/11/2009 9:56:05 PM1156
5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar53411/11/2009 9:54:51 PM12510
5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar54511/11/2009 9:56:05 PM12510
5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar53411/11/2009 9:54:51 PM13511
5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar54511/11/2009 9:56:05 PM13511
5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar53411/11/2009 9:54:51 PM1459
5fooFooBar foo@bar.comFoo Bar54511/11/2009 9:56:05 PM1459

as you can see, user foo2 has been deleted entirely and if you log into either site with foo you will have the permissions of foo and foo2 from before the hack.

Hope this helps some people out there make sense of their DNN user issues.